Thursday, August 6, 2009

busier than santa at christmas

It’s crunch time at KBC! We have been working long days to write our papers and get ready for our presentation on Sunday. I’m really excited to present our results and our recommendations for the community. My group examined hand hygiene and food preparation practices. Our suggested interventions are low cost, sustainable, and have the potential to reduce rates of diarrhea and respiratory illnesses in the area (google Tippy Tap and Lorena stove). I can’t believe I leave in a week. I imagine it will be difficult for me to adjust back to my old ways and lifestyle. This experience has truly changed my perceptions and values, all for the good! I’m so glad my parents raised me and Kelly to be adventuresome and explore the wider world. I wouldn’t be here otherwise! Sorry this is short, back to work!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your presentation! As a health care worker the most basic tool we use to prevent the spread of disease is handwashing. It amazes me that such a simple procedure can be so life sustaining. Congratulations on a job well done. Godspeed!
