Wednesday, July 1, 2009

over the hills and far away

My dear family and friends,

I hope the summer months find you refreshed. I know the Midwest hasn't been granted its hard earned blue skies and warm winds, but I trust it is on the way. I am currently in Kenosha enjoying some much deserved time with family and friends before I leave on Sunday.

I was lucky enough to catch Aunt Karen and Uncle Mike on their way back from Racine last weekend as we enjoyed a beautiful June day poolside. Both had wise words and advice for me to keep in mind as I travel abroad.

On Monday I escorted G'Pa back to DeKalb after his stay at l'Hotel de Fulton. We enjoyed navigating a new route from Wisconsin to Illinois as construction season is upon us (wait, when isn't it construction season?) He took me out for lunch at Portillo's for my "taxi" service, but I really just enjoyed spending time with him. Upon our arrival to the condo, I picked out 2 of G'Ma's bandanas to protect me from Kenya's dusty winds and I thanked him for the donation. He promptly replied, "thank your Grandma." And I did.

I spent time on Tuesday getting ready for my last year of nursing school by brushing up on hospital policies and completing many an online training module. Next semester I will be completing my clinical at the research clinic at UW-Hospital and I am really excited for it! I hope to apply some of the techniques I will learn from the School for Field Studies in Kenya to the clinic. It's hard to believe I am approaching my senior year. I'm thrilled to see what avenues my college experiece will lead me to.

On another Mom has been SuperWoman this week! She's not only helping me get ready for my trip but she is getting ready for her own trip to the cabin with good pals Sue and Linda. Today, we zoom-zoomed (literally) all around Kenosha to pick up some last minute equipment. Then I enjoyed a delicious dinner with Josh and his family. The Griffey's have always been supportive and generous and I feel so fortunate to have them in my life.

Dad and Pete hosted open mic tonight at TG's and of course I was sitting at Table #1! I was delighted to hear some of my favorite songs by my favorite musicians one last time before I leave. A few of my partners in crime (Josh, Aly and Rista) accompanied me as we listened to tunes and recited lines from Arrested Development.

Tonight also hosted a benefit for Sarah, my other partner in crime who is traveling to Mauritius (look near Madagascar) to teach English. Coincidentally, Sarah and I will be abroad at the same time and needless to say, the two of us have been non-stop chatting about our future adventures all semester long. Here we are! About to embark upon a life changing experience!

As my final days in the states begin to close in, I am overwhelmed by the amount of support I have been given by my family and friends. Sitting with my Mom at TG's, I commented on how her and Dad surround themselves with good souls. She reminded me that I do the same and how true! Positivity is a beautiful thing!

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